Posts by SAM Headquarters
SAMIBC 2023 Presentation | A Student-Centered Teaching Approach to Innovatively Engaging Generation Z
The programming committee for the 78th Annual SAM International Business Conference is pleased to announce the acceptance of the presentation A Student-Centered Teaching Approach to Innovatively Engaging Generation Z by Jack McCann, Daryl Green, and Tracy Dunn from Purdue Global University, Oklahoma Baptist University and Benedict College.
SAMIBC 2023 Presentation | Using a Comprehensive Teaching Case to Support Learner Diversity and Responsible Business Practices
The programming committee for the 78th Annual SAM International Business Conference is pleased to announce the acceptance of the presentation Using a Comprehensive Teaching Case to Support Learner Diversity and Responsible Business Practices by Jennifer Malarski from Minneapolis College.
SAMIBC 2023 Presentation | Supply Chain Risk Management & Implementation
The programming committee for the 78th Annual SAM International Business Conference is pleased to announce the acceptance of the presentation Supply Chain Risk Management & Implementation by Johnny Ho and Tristan Shytle form Columbus State University and Home Depot.
SAMIBC 2023 Presentation | The Future of the Auto Industry: Innovation and Sustainability
The programming committee for the 78th Annual SAM International Business Conference is pleased to announce the presentation The Future of the Auto Industry: Innovation and Sustainability featuring Henry Johnson, Robert Kennedy, and Jessica Kenyon from the New England Institute of Technology.