Sub-Saharan Africa: Attaining Organizational Performance via Employee Engagement

The programming committee for the 77th Annual SAM International Business Conference is pleased to announce the acceptance of the presentation Sub-Saharan Africa: Attaining Organizational Performance via Employee Engagement, authored Jet Mboga from Bloomsburg University.

Presentation Abstract: Organizations that have pitiable employee engagement have experienced extensive employee turnover; low production and efficiency; decrease in consumer loyalty; decline in stakeholder value; and an ultimate detriment to their organizational success. Engaged employees have consistently been shown to be more productive, profitable, safer, healthier, and less likely to turnover, yet only 30% of the global workforce is estimated to be engaged. The current problem is that non-engaged employees within organizations are not energized or passionate to perform their assigned roles but sleepwalk through their work day thus not achieving organizational goals. The qualitative study focused on organizations within Kenya – Sub Saharan Africa. Each organization in the study will assume a unique pseudonym that will be documented in this research.

Join us online to see this great paper and many more March 31 – April 2, 2022. For registration information visit