Archive for January, 1980
Fundraising for fun and profit the S.A.M. way
Money-the root of all evil? Maybe so, but S.A.M. student members know that it is indeed a necessary evil if their chapters are to remain active and present meaningful programs. […]
Nichols College holds career conference
S.A.M. members at Nichols College in Dudley, Massachusetts, explored several different career paths in management at their career conference on December 1. Professionals from accounting, banking, data processing, labor relations, […]
St. Louis students gather for meeting with seniors
Students from the Greater St. Louis, Missouri, area met with senior chapter members for the first of their semiannual senior-student chapter days on November 30. Members from S.A.M. campus chapters […]
Northern Kentucky University promotes member participation; Trip to convention is offered as incentive
After taking a careful look at the direction that their S.A.M. chapter was heading, chapter officers at Northern Kentucky University in Highland Heights, Kentucky, came up with a plan to […]