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S.A.M. members at Nichols College in Dudley, Massachusetts, explored sev­eral different career paths in manage­ment at their career conference on December 1.

Professionals from accounting, bank­ing, data processing, labor relations, and other fields were available for in­formal discussions about their own particular field of interest. The students learned about management’s role in the fields represented and what types of op­portunities they might have.

AMA and S.A.M. were well repre­sented at the conference. The college’s president spoke about the degree pro­gram now being developed by AMA. The program will offer a master’s in management and will serve as either a substitute for, or a supplement to, an M.B.A. program.

National Director of Campus Chap­ters Lou Morgenier was on hand to fill the group in on what he is planning for S.A.M. students in the coming year.

Business students from Pittsburgh State College and the University of Hartford also attended the career con­ference. For graduating seniors the meeting offered a good opportunity to circulate resumes. SAM-NI

This SAM News International article is from our historical archive, information provided is for reference and archival research about the activities and developments of the Society.