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Students from the Greater St. Louis, Missouri, area met with senior chapter members for the first of their semi­annual senior-student chapter days on November 30.

Members from S.A.M. campus chap­ters at Southern Illinois University ­Carbondale, Southeastern Missouri State, and Eastern Illinois University at­tended the all-day event that began with lunch at Emerson Electric in St. Louis.

Also present were students and facul­ty from Missouri Baptist College, St. Louis Community College, Washington University, and the University of Mis­souri at St. Louis. Each of these schools is strongly considering beginning an S.A.M. chapter, and faculty members have been discussing the details with the vice-president of student chapters of the Greater St. Louis chapter, Carl Gustav­sen.

Gustavsen organized the event, which included a tour of some of Emerson Electric’s facilities. Following the tour, the 100 students, faculty advisers, and guests listened to C. E. Stosberg speak on logistics management and Richard Overlock Howe speak on packaging and design.

That evening, the group moved to Schneithorst’s Hofamberg Inn in St. Louis for cocktails and dinner and an address by Thomas Holling, regional director for the Small Business Ad­ministration for Eastern Missouri, on “Free Enterprise at the Crossroads.” The night ended at The Goldenrod Showboat, a dinner theater club docked on the Mississippi River. Luckily, the next day was Saturday, and nobody had to get up early for an 8 A.M. class.

Gustavsen plans to hold the next senior-student day on April 18. The topic will be labor relations. SAM-NI

This SAM News International article is from our historical archive, information provided is for reference and archival research about the activities and developments of the Society.