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After taking a careful look at the di­rection that their S.A.M. chapter was heading, chapter officers at Northern Kentucky University in Highland Heights, Kentucky, came up with a plan to better meet the needs of their chap­ter’s members.

Their plan, which calls for more di­rect involvement in S.A.M. campus and off-campus affairs, has developed into a “Membership Performance Program.”

Black and white photograph of NKU Chapter Officers and Advisors
Steve Roth (right), and NKU Chapter officers and advisor.

Steve Roth, chapter president, ex­plained the theory behind the program. “This chapter is a microcosm of what goes on in the outside business world. If our members are able to apply what they learn in their business courses to running programs and chapter activities, they will be better able to function in their chosen careers.

In order to encourage the active participation needed to obtain this experience, Roth, and his four vice-presidents-Terry Gabis, finance; Vickie Grey, public relations; Sande Turner, operations; and Douglas Hale, individ­ual and group development-came up with a plan to award points to individ­ual members for each management activity they take part in. The points are broken down into three categories: direct management, assistance-type management, and attendance at a man­agement program sponsored by the chapter.

In addition to the educational bene­fits received from such active participation and the chance to make outside business contacts, there is another incentive offered for earning points. The student with the most points at the end of the year will win an expense-paid trip to the S.A.M. national conference in Chicago this May. Roth is very optimistic that the pro­gram (which is still in its testing phase) will result in a great increase in mem­ber participation. He points out that the students will gain from the experi­ence, and that the S.A.M. chapter has the potential to gain, too. Roth expects that freshmen and sophomores may find themselves more prepared to take over leadership positions in the chapter as the positions are vacated by graduating seniors. SAM-NI

This SAM News International article is from our historical archive, information provided is for reference and archival research about the activities and developments of the Society.