Introducing SAMIBC2020 Presenter – Madeleine LaPrad
This year at SAMIBC2020 we are pleased to announce another of our presenters, Madeleine LaPrad from Radford University. Madeleine will be presenting the paper Opioid Analgesics.
Introducing SAMIBC2020 Presenter – Caleb Bradberry
This year at SAMIBC2020 we are pleased to announce another of our presenters, Caleb Bradberry from Radford University. Caleb will be presenting the paper Data Mining Undergraduates: Ethics, Legality, and Possibilities.
Introducing SAMIBC2020 Presenter – Brian Crilly
This year at SAMIBC2020 we are pleased to announce another of our presenters, Brian Crilly from Hood College. Brian will be presenting the paper Project Managers on Innovation Performance: The roles of Organizational Context, Project Complexity, and Team Agility.
Introducing SAMIBC2020 Presenter – Brad Condie
This year at SAMIBC2020 we are pleased to announce another of our presenters, Brad Condie from Concordia University Wisconsin. Brad will be presenting the paper Equalities: The multiple conceptions of equality forming the contexts of global business in 2020.