Posts by SAM Headquarters
St. Louis students gather for meeting with seniors
Students from the Greater St. Louis, Missouri, area met with senior chapter members for the first of their semiannual senior-student chapter days on November 30. Members from S.A.M. campus chapters […]
Northern Kentucky University promotes member participation; Trip to convention is offered as incentive
After taking a careful look at the direction that their S.A.M. chapter was heading, chapter officers at Northern Kentucky University in Highland Heights, Kentucky, came up with a plan to […]
CCPP Scores nearly tallied; SIU leads competition
Almost all of the applications are in for the 1979 Campus Chapter Performance Program, and for the second year in a row, Southern Illinois University in Carbondale is leading the […]
Committee at work to advise on programming
By Hal Batten National Vice-President, Programming S.A.M. members join the Society for myriad reasons. One of the more prominent ones is to be able to take advantage of the management […]