Posts by SAM Headquarters
Outstanding Chapter Performance Awards go to Philadelphia and Los Angeles
Philadelphia’s formula for success In 1978-1979, Philadelphia’s membership increased by 35 percent-from 88 to a total of 119. This year’s chapter president, Joann DePalantino, reported that the chapter sent out […]
Congratulations, Dr. Wilson
Dr. Samuel M. Wilson received the 1980 Outstanding Faculty Service Award from Temple University on March 29 at the Founders Day dinner held to celebrate the university’s centennial anniversary. Dr. […]
S.A.M. regional reorganization set for implementation; slate of names submitted to board for new positions
Samuel Wilson, National Vice-President-Finance and International S.A.M.’s regional reorganization will become effective July 1. In order to improve communications within the Society, five new regions were mapped out. They are […]
A WORD FROM THE PRESIDENT, The “systems approach” requires a system
John S. McGuinness, SAM President The “systems approach” has been popular since the operational researchers during World War II, and the managerial scientists somewhat later, tried increasingly to apply quantitative […]