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S.A.M.’s directors convened on Fri­day, February 22 at the Breckenridge Inn in Frontenac, Missouri. Among the items that were discussed were the nominees for national office for 1980-81, S.A.M.’s awards program, and the Society’s official logo.

Board Chairman Jim Rutherford sub­mitted a report from the Awards Com­mittee that listed extensive changes in S.A.M.’s present awards manual. The changes were approved by the board, and a new manual will be distributed to all senior and campus chapters in the near future.

The board members also voted to en­dorse the S.A.M. logo used in News International as the official logo of the Society.

The board emphasized that, whenever possible, the logo should include the phrase “of the American Management Associations,” or “of the AMA” in order to emphasize S.A.M.’s affiliation with AMA. Also approved was a recommenda­tion by Rutherford that S.A.M. seek to utilize more fully the talents and knowl­edge of its past international presidents. Rutherford pointed out that past presi­dents have valuable experiences from which S.A.M. can glean ideas if only the presidents were consulted or included in any problem solving or strategic planning that occur. SAM-NI

This SAM News International article is from our historical archive, information provided is for reference and archival research about the activities and developments of the Society.