Archive for July, 1980
Chicago chapter makes tapes available from national meeting
The reaction to the speeches made at S.A.M.’s recent national management conference was so positive that the Chicago chapter is making tapes of these speeches available. The cassettes include the […]
The area director’s job by one who has been there
By Thomas Greensmith, Area Director – Area #1 The area director should be the first link between local chapters and the national organization. Ideally, the person filling the job has […]
National conference honors three S.A.M. award winners
Three of S.A.M.’s most prestigious awards were presented at this year’s National Management Conference in Chicago. The Taylor Key, one of the highest presented to this year’s rec1p1ent, Edward C. […]
Board of directors approves nominations for 1980-81 officers at May meeting in Chicago
When S.A.M.’s board of directors convened in Chicago prior to the start of the Society’s National Management Conference, the first order of business was the election of the following officers […]