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Focusing most of its attention on plans for the future, S.A.M.’s board of directors met in conjunction with this year’s National Management Confer­ence. The major items of business at the Wednesday, May 7, morning meet­ing were the election of new S.A.M. officers for the coming year and the designation of a site and hotel for the 1982 conference-the Cincinnati Plaza in downtown Cincinnati.

Three days after the board of directors met, the group met again for a planning meeting. The group heard a report by John McGuinness, outgoing S.A.M. president, on the year’s activities; a final report will be mailed to the board at the end of the fiscal year. McGuinness’s presentation was followed by one by Clifford J. Doubek, S.A.M.’s new president, on his goals for 1980-81.

During the course of his remarks, Doubek urged local chapters to follow up immediately on delinquent renewal notices and to conduct membership solicitation mailings, particularly during the summer months.

Among the items on its agenda will, of course, be the 1981 conference. The theme of next year’s conference will be “Practical Applications of Management Principles.”

Donald Blum, newly appointed na­tional vice-president of finance and international, also spoke at the Saturday meeting, outlining his plans for better reporting systems. Blum discussed a strategy for increasing contributions to overhead from the national conference, area and regional conferences.

The board’s next meeting is scheduled for September 6 in Chicago. SAM-NI

This SAM News International article is from our historical archive, information provided is for reference and archival research about the activities and developments of the Society.