SAMIBC2024 Presentation Announcement | Values that shape decisions: How do CEOs’ political philosophy impact a firm’s propensity for sustainability-oriented innovation?

The programming committee for the 79th Annual SAM International Business Conference is pleased to announce the acceptance of the presentation, Values that shape decisions: How do CEOs’ political philosophy impact a firm’s propensity for sustainability-oriented innovation? by Asmaa Nasseh.

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SAMIBC2024 Presentation Announcement | Leveraging on Emotional Intelligence by Small And Medium Enterprise Managers In Sub-Saharan Africa: The Case of South Africa

The programming committee for the 79th Annual SAM International Business Conference is pleased to announce the acceptance of the presentation, Leveraging on Emotional Intelligence by Small And Medium Enterprise Managers In Sub-Saharan Africa: The Case of South Africa by Anele Ncube and Jet Mboga.

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