Posts by SAM Headquarters
Robert L. Dimit, Akron, Ohio, executive, named to head S.A.M.
This past November, Robert L. Dimit became executive director of the Society for Advancement of Management. He replaces William H. Latham, a former S.A.M. executive director who returned to fill […]
1978 logo reminds membership to attend annual S.A.M. conference
Plan to attend the S.A.M. International Conference this spring. A special conference logo now appearing on S.A.M. letterheads, News International, Advanced Management Journal, and other printed material from the national […]
List of outstanding speakers for S.A.M. International Conference continues to grow
Robert E. Kirby, chairman and chief executive officer of Westinghouse Corporation, is one of three luncheon speakers whom S.A.M. has assembled for its 1978 International Conference scheduled for May 14-17 […]
Campus members attend AMA’s Operation Enterprise thanks to special scholarships
Robin Schade, director of AMA’s Operation Enterprise, and Donald Begosh, S.A.M. executive director, recently reported that the special scholarship program jointly undertaken by S.A.M. and AMA scored a big success […]