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Barbara Postich lives two lives: By day, she works as the executive and administrative secretary for the S.A.M. international headquarters in New York. At night and on weekends, she becomes an artist, working creatively on clay sculptures, oil paintings, and her own unique method of India ink drawing. Barbara also designs and makes her own clothes.

“I came to S.A.M.,” she recalls, “after ten years at J. Walter Thompson, the world’s largest advertising agency. While I was there, I worked my way up to administrative assistant in the international division. It was very exciting to work there, and I enjoyed it quite a bit. The atmosphere at S.A.M. is a little different, but I enjoy my work here just as much.”

Black and white photograph of Barbara Postich  assistant to Donald Begosh, S.A.M. executive director, by day and creative artist at night and on weekends.
Barbara Postich lives two lives: assistant to Donald Begosh, S.A.M. executive director, by day and creative artist at night and on weekends

Barbara’s duties at S.A.M. include assisting Donald Begosh, executive director, in answering member inquiries, compiling the minutes of the board of directors and executive committee meetings, and helping plan future S.A.M. programs and activities.

For the future, she would like to travel-something she enjoys, but has not been able to do enough of and, of course, become better acquainted with S.A.M. activities. “I really do like the work,” she remarks, “but I’ve only been here two months, so there’s still much for me to learn.” SAM-NI

This SAM News International article is from our historical archive, information provided is for reference and archival research about the activities and developments of the Society.