SAM News
Board votes to insert NI in AMJ, chooses new area director
Beginning with the winter issue, S.A.M. Advanced Management Journal will regularly include a four-page edition of News International. The six-page, bimonthly newletter is being discontinued in its present format after […]
Strong conference lineup nearly set
The program is just about set for S.A.M.’s National Management Conference to be held April 27-29, 1981 at the Hospitality House in Williamsburg, Virginia. On Sunday afternoon, April 26, S.A.M.’s […]
Survey identifies recruitment patterns among S.A.M. and AMA divisional members
Most S.A.M. members are introduced to the Society through personal contacts. That was one of the findings of a study conducted by Burke Marketing Research, Inc. for S.A.M. The random […]
S.A.M. welcomes new campus chapters
This SAM News International article is from our historical archive, information provided is for reference and archival research about the activities and developments of the Society.