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Money-the root of all evil? Maybe so, but S.A.M. student members know that it is indeed a necessary evil if their chapters are to remain active and present meaningful programs. Further, the students realize that earning money does not have to be boring, and they continually come up with new fund· raising ideas to prove that very point.

Halloween presented a wonderful op­portunity for the Miami University (in Oxford, Ohio) chapter. S.A.M. members photographed their beloved University president, Dr. Phillip Shriver, and re­produced two hundred masks of his face to help celebrate the holiday.

The masks were a big success. Even a bear bought them, as evidenced by the accompanying photo.

New Mexico State University’s S.A.M. chapter members know how to take ad­vantage of warm weather. While offering professors a chance to take a refreshing dip, they also managed to earn about $100 at their second annual “Dunk-A-Prof.”

Chapter President Rick Delgado and his fellow S.A.M. members built a carnival dunking machine and set it up in their campus’s “International Mall.” About 25 professors volunteered their services, and students paid a quarter for three chances to dunk their favorite (or least favorite) professor in a tank of water.

Black and white photograph of Chapter President and University President with Mascot
Chapter President & University President with Mascot

New Mexico State, which is in Las Cruces, also earns money during the year by holding periodic car washes and an occasional raffle.

The College of St. Thomas, in St. Paul, Minnesota, also likes raffles as a way to earn money. The S.A.M. chapter there raised some extra money by raf­fling off two season tickets to the Minnesota Kicks soccer games. And to tempt those not interested in sports, St. Thomas also held raffles for theater tickets.

Southern Illinois University mixes business with pleasure. By serving as ushers at their campus auditorium, S.A.M. chapter members gain free en­trance to concerts such as The Grateful Dead, while earning money both for the chapter treasury and for their own S.A.M. accounts. Their individual ac­counts are used to pay their expenses for chapter events.

The chapter members at St. Norbert College in De Pere, Wisconsin, tend to rely on their fellow students’ hunger to earn cash. Much of their fundraising efforts involve selling food, such as hot dogs and pizza.

News International would like to hear about your fundraising activities. Please write to Editor, S.A.M. News International. SAM-NI

This SAM News International article is from our historical archive, information provided is for reference and archival research about the activities and developments of the Society.