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S.A.M.’s board of directors met on October 26 at the Hartford Hilton Hotel in Hartford, Connecticut. The meeting was a busy one, with the board agreeing to accept responsibility for the Manager’s Advancement Program (see story on this page); approve a format for revitalization of chapters; and approve new area and regional S.A.M. maps of the United States.

The reactivation/revitalization plan was prepared by Board Chairman Jim Rutherford and National Vice-President of Special Projects Bill Latham. The plan, which will be included in an up­dated “Area Director’s Manual” to be distributed in early 1980, will help area directors to identify those chapters that are in need of help.

A few of the danger signals outlined in the plan are: empty positions in the executive committee; meetings being scheduled on a month-to-month basis rather than in advance; the chapter treasury depleted, with no plans for fundraising; and a membership decline.

The plan provides a chapter profile to be completed by the chapter for the area director. The area director will then work with the regional vice-president to plan for revitalization of the chapter. Together, they will try to arrange a chapter meeting that will spark new interest among the members.

Another motion passed by the board was the appointment of members to a dues review committee. Should dues be raised to help S.A.M. keep up with in­flation? Chairman Clifford Doubek and committee members Kathleen Burke, Michael Golding, Michael Hartnett, Moustafa Abdelsamad, Thomas Green­smith, Samuel Wilson, and Robert Wright, will explore the question and report their findings to the board at its next meeting on Friday, February 22 in Chicago. SAM-NI

This SAM News International article is from our historical archive, information provided is for reference and archival research about the activities and developments of the Society.