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The program is just about set for S.A.M.’s National Management Con­ference to be held April 27-29, 1981 at the Hospitality House in Williamsburg, Virginia.

On Sunday afternoon, April 26, S.A.M.’s board of directors will meet for their preconference session. At 6:00 that evening, the directors and other early arrivals will meet for cock­tails.

Registration for the conference will begin at 8:00 Monday morning, and at 9:00 the keynote address of the confer­ence will be delivered by Joe Batten, president and CEO of Batten, Batten, Hudson & Swab, the noted Des Moines firm of management consultants. Bat­ten, known for his philosophy of “tough­minded” living and working, will speak on “Expectations and Possibilities.”

The work sessions also begin on Monday morning. All week long, the sessions will run between 10:30 and noon, and between 2:00 and 3:30. The two morning sessions and the two afternoon sessions will run concurrently. Unlike in the past they will not be repeated.

Black and White Image of Williamsburg

Session A on Monday morning will be devoted to “Concepts of Manage­ment,” with Dr. Guy DeGenaro, profes­sor of management, Virginia Common­wealth University; Dr. Rosemary Pledger, dean of the School of Business and Pub­lic Administration, University of Hous­ton at Clear Lake City; and Dr. Thomas L. Wheelen, professor of commerce, Uni­versity of Virginia. Session B will be a discussion of the “Practical Aspects of Career Development,” with Robert K. Blake, vice-president of human resource development at F&M Bank; Dr. J. Curtis Hall, dean of the School of Busi­ness, Virginia Commonwealth Univer­sity; and William L. VanArnam, director of training and development for Philip Morris, USA.

At lunch on Monday, Andrew M. Lewis, president of Best Products Co., will discuss “A Marketing Strategy That Works.” After lunch at 2:00, sessions C and D get under way. Session C, titled “Dealing with Change” will have as speakers Dr. Walter S. Griggs, Jr., chair­man of the Department of Business Administration and Management, Vir­ginia Commonwealth University, and Dr. D. Robley Wood, Jr., assistant pro­fessor of management, Virginia Com­monwealth University. Session D is “Succession Planning for Key Execu­tive Positions” with Bill N. Rutherford, vice-president of human resources, Sun Company, Inc. Concurrent Sessions E and F, to begin at 4:00, will be pre­sentations of academic papers chaired by Dr. Darrel R. Brown, professor of management, Virginia Commonwealth University.

After late registration and a general session on Tuesday morning, Sessions G and H begin. Session G, on “Business Ethics,” will be moderated by Dr. Thomas W. Thompson, editor, United States Banker. Featured on the ethics panel will be Benjamin P. Campbell, urban missioner, Richmond Urban In­stitute; Douglas H. Ludeman, president, United Virginia Bank; and S. Buford Scott, chairman, Scott & Stringfellow. In Session H, Dr. Sayed EI-Hawary, chairman of the Department of Busi­ness Administration at Ain Shams Uni­versity in Cairo, will speak on “New Banks-Middle Eastern Style.”

Tuesday’s lunch will be highlighted by an address on “The Manager of the Future” by Jim Hayes, president and chief executive officer of AMA.

Session I and J on Tuesday begin at 2:00. “Managing Changing Employee Values” is Session I, which will be led by Clark Kurtze, director of management development in the Human Re­sources Department at Reynolds Metals. Session J, “Productivity Centers,” will feature William Liggett, manager of in­dustrial development services at West­inghouse Electric Corporation, and Dr. Thomas C. Tuttle, director of the Mary­land Center for Productivity and Qual­ity of Working Life, University of Mary­land.

One of the highlights of the national conference is always the banquet, and the Williamsburg dinner will begin at 6:30 Tuesday evening.

Wednesday morning’s breakfast meet­ing will honor S.A.M.’s campus chapters. After breakfast, Dr. Harry Evarts of AMA will lead Session K, “What Man­agers Should Know and How They Will Learn in the Year 2000.” Joel Boyd, supervisor in the National Tax Depart­ment at Ernst & Whinny, will conduct Session L, “Personal Tax Planning for Busy Executives.”

In addition to the sessions and the speakers, another attraction of the 1981 conference will be Williamsburg in springtime. The Hospitality House is just a ten-minute walk from the famous restoration area and boasts a heated out­door pool. Nearby are two champion­ship golf courses.

It would be a good idea to get registrations in early for next year’s conference. The easiest way to do that would be to clip out and complete the form on this page. See you in April. SAM-NI

This SAM News International article is from our historical archive, information provided is for reference and archival research about the activities and developments of the Society.