Females In The Construction Industry

The programming committee for the 77th Annual SAM International Business Conference is pleased to announce the acceptance of the presentation Females In The Construction Industry by Simone Smith and Sara Kiser of Alabama State University.

Presentation Abstract: Women’s capabilities are sometimes overlooked. There are biases, those who doubt their skills and; thus, they are underrepresented in certain industries. Males dominate most of these industries. Male dominant fields can be intimidating towards women wanting to enter, or mistreat the women that already exist in the field. The purpose of my research is to exemplify how women have the same abilities as men, how women can potentially outperform men, how women bring diversity within businesses, and overall bringing awareness to the issues of the outnumbering of women in companies and ways that this issue can be fixed. My research revolves around the construction industry. Construction is one of the top fields that is male dominant and has underlying issues with women in this industry. The construction industry is the perfect example that will reflect on different businesses that correlate with the issues of women struggling to be valued as much as men. A literature review has been developed and a survey has been created and circulated to women in the field of construction in the southeast United States. These finding will help develop some suggestions for increasing the number of women in the industry.

Join us online to see this great paper and many more March 31 – April 2, 2022. For registration information visit www.samnational.org/conference.