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The Montgomery Area chapter became one of the newest chapters of the S.A.M. organization Tuesday night, April 27. when chartering ceremonies were held at Huntingdon College in Montgomery, Alabama. More than 50 charter members, one of the largest charter contingents in S.A.M. history, were on hand for the presentation of the charter to the newly elected chapter president, James Rutherford, by Hal Batten, international board chairman, and Donald Begosh, executive director.

Black and White Photograph of Hal Batten (I.) and Donald Begosh (r.), S.A.M. international chairman and executive director, respectively, share smiles and congratulations with James Rutherford, president of the new Montgomery chapter, as they present Rutherford with the new charter.
Hal Batten (I.) and Donald Begosh (r.), S.A.M. international chairman and executive director, respectively, share smiles and congratulations with James Rutherford, president of the new Montgomery chapter, as they present Rutherford with the new charter.

The chartering of the new chapter was the result of the successful coordination of efforts by several persons. Instrumental in the founding of the chapter was Allin Jackson, national S.A.M. vice-president and a powerful force behind the chartering of several S.A.M. chapters. Also playing a major role in these efforts was James Rutherford, a group executive officer with Blount, Inc. of Montgomery. (Winton M. Blount, former U.S. Postmaster General and an AMA trustee, is Blount’s president and chairman of the board.) Rutherford prepared an outstanding “operations manual” for the use of members as they coordinate their first year’s activities; copies of the man­ual were distributed to members at the chartering meeting.

Black and White photograph of Dr. Allen Jackson (I.), president of Huntingdon College, and Lew Hollard (c.), director of the Management Center at the college, discuss chapter plans with James Rutherford, the new chapter's president.
Dr. Allen Jackson (I.), president of Huntingdon College, and Lew Hollard (c.), director of the Management Center at the college, discuss chapter plans with James Rutherford, the new chapter’s president.

Dr. Allen Jackson (similar in spirit and name to the aforementioned Allin Jackson, but a quite separate individual), president of Huntingdon College, also had a major role in putting the new chapter together and was on hand for the awarding of the charter. Finally, Lew Hollard, who recently came into the area to set up the Management Center at Huntingdon, served as the head of the organizing committee that coordinated all of the activities leading up to the new charter. Hollard stayed in Montgomery long enough to watch his efforts reach fruition, then returned to his home town of Denver, Colorado. All four of these men did an outstanding job in establishing this most impressive new chapter. The entire S.A.M. organization welcomes the new chapter aboard and wishes it “good sailing” in the years ahead. SAM-NI

This SAM News International article is from our historical archive, information provided is for reference and archival research about the activities and developments of the Society.