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The S.A.M. organization continues to grow. The latest chapter to “come on board” was the Toledo senior chapter, which received its preliminary charter on December 11. The chairman of the steering committee, Steve Munro of the Toledo Pickling and Steel Service, Inc., was elected the first president of the chapter. Meanwhile, efforts are well under way to form a new chapter in the Nashville, Tenn., area.

Black and white photo of Newark University College Chapter showing newly issued charter.
Proudly displaying their new charter are members of the new Newark University College S.A.M. chapter (I. to r.): Charles Weachock, vice-president of the northern New Jersey senior chapter; Romelda Vaccarella, also of the northern New Jersey chapter; Cassie Miller, faculty adviser for the new chapter; Delores Brown, president of the Newark University College student chapter; Ann Streater, first S.A.M. president of the Newark University College Chapter; and Ray Frances of the Essex College of Business.

The campus division has also been making real progress in chartering new chapters. Latest additions include Nassau Community College of Garden City, New York; Newark University College of Newark, N.J.; College of St. Thomas, St. Paul, Minnesota; Robert Morris College of Pittsburgh, Penn.; Robert Morris College of Coraopolis, Penn.; and Drake University of Iowa. SAM-NI

This SAM News International article is from our historical archive, information provided is for reference and archival research about the activities and developments of the Society.