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The S.A.M. campus chapter at Notre Dame University received its charter on February 21. President-Elect Clifford Doubek was on hand to present the charter to the new chapter’s president, Martin Berkel.

Berkel worked hard to start the new chapter, and he and his members are now working on planning a program for the coming year.

Professor Sequin of the management department at Notre Dame will be serving as faculty advisor, and the chapter will be affiliated with the senior chapter in Chicago.

The chartering ceremony was fol­lowed by a cocktail reception, and Director of Campus Chapter Operations

Lou Morgenier, who spoke to the new members about what they can expect to get out of their S.A.M. membership, reported that the Notre Dame group was enthusiastic about making the chapter an active one.

News International welcomes Notre Dame to S.A.M. We hope to hear more about the chapter’s activities soon. SAM-NI

This SAM News International article is from our historical archive, information provided is for reference and archival research about the activities and developments of the Society.