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Pine Manor Junior College in Chest­nut Hill, Massachusetts, joined the Soci­ety when its chapter received its S.A.M. charter on February 25th. Chapter President Jane Turner reports that the chapter already has over 130 members! Faculty Advisor Sylvia Poster first brought up the idea of starting a chapter in October and was met with an immediate positive response.

Black and white photo of the Pine HIll Charter Ceremony
Pine Manor students met on campus with Lou Morgenier.

The S.A.M. members at the all-women college listened to their first guest speaker in October a representa­tive from an organization called “Career Women in Pine Manor.” Since then, they have had several other guest speak­ers from the community, including Dr. Hinchey from the University of Lowell, who spoke on modern advertising tech­niques.

S.A.M. News International extends its best wishes to Pine Manor for a successful year. SAM-NI

This SAM News International article is from our historical archive, information provided is for reference and archival research about the activities and developments of the Society.