The programming committee for the 79th Annual SAM International Business Conference is pleased to announce the acceptance of the presentation, Generational Changes in the Workforce by Jessica Gacsi.

In the ever-evolving landscape of the corporate world, the integration of Generation Z into the workforce has sparked a considerable amount of attention and debate among scholars and professionals alike. A recent academic paper, set to be presented at the SAM International Business Conference, delves into this phenomenon with a nuanced examination of the shifts in workplace culture, job characteristics, and corporate loyalty ushered in by this emerging generation. The research stands out for its critical analysis of the preconceptions surrounding Generation Z’s expectations in the workforce and aims to unravel the complexities of these new dynamics.

The paper meticulously explores the notion that the expectations and challenges faced by Generation Z may not be entirely novel but rather part of a historical continuum of generational shifts in the corporate sphere. It questions whether the changes attributed to Generation Z represent a fundamental transformation in the corporate world or if they mirror the natural evolution of workplace dynamics as a new generation makes its mark. This inquiry is particularly relevant in today’s fast-paced business environment, where understanding the motivations and aspirations of the youngest workforce members is crucial for fostering organizational growth and innovation.

By comparing the entry of Generation Z into the workforce with the transitions experienced by previous generations, the research provides valuable insights into whether the challenges and shifts observed are unique to this generation or indicative of a broader, cyclical phenomenon. The findings promise to contribute significantly to the ongoing discourse on generational differences in the workplace, offering a more grounded perspective on the impact of Generation Z on the corporate landscape.

The presentation of this paper at the SAM International Business Conference is eagerly anticipated by academics, business leaders, and HR professionals seeking to better understand the intergenerational dynamics at play in the modern workforce. It offers a compelling argument that challenges prevailing narratives about Generation Z and provides a foundation for more informed strategies to harness the potential of this new generation within the corporate world. As the conference approaches, attendees are looking forward to engaging with the research findings and incorporating these insights into their practices, shaping a more inclusive and adaptive corporate environment for the future.

Join us online or in person at SAMIBC 2024 and see this great presentation and many more March 19 – March 23, 2024. For registration information visit