The programming committee for the 79th Annual SAM International Business Conference is pleased to announce the acceptance of the presentation, Words Have Meaning by Biff Baker.

In the ever-evolving landscape of international business and academia, the importance of clear and effective communication cannot be overstressed. At the upcoming SAM International Business Conference, a groundbreaking paper will be presented that delves deep into the intricacies of semantics—the study of meaning in language—and its profound impact on communication, social cohesion, and ultimately, on the business world itself. This presentation promises to shed light on the essential role that understanding word meanings, sentence structures, pragmatics, and the representation of meaning plays in fostering effective communication across diverse groups.

Drawing inspiration from George Orwell’s dystopian narrative in “1984,” the paper vividly illustrates how political manipulation of language can significantly shape public opinion and advance specific agendas. Through the use of propaganda and euphemisms, language manipulation emerges as a powerful tool that can undermine healthy discourse, critical thinking, and trust within society. The presentation underscores the importance of recognizing these manipulative tactics to preserve independent thought and maintain the integrity of communication processes.

Beyond the theoretical exploration, the paper offers practical insights into the challenges and opportunities presented by the ideological divide between academia and the business world, particularly in fields characterized by a far-left inclination. It introduces an innovative solution in the form of a “Woke Glossary,” designed to bridge communication gaps and foster mutual understanding between these two critical spheres. This glossary aims to navigate the complex terrain of ‘woke’ terminology, which often frames discussions in terms of oppressors versus the oppressed, and in doing so, perpetuates division.

The essence of the paper, and what attendees of the SAM International Business Conference can anticipate, is a compelling argument for the importance of clarity, empathy, and effective communication strategies. These elements are presented as foundational to enhancing understanding, resolving conflicts, and promoting peace. By moving beyond the divisive narratives reinforced by ‘woke’ terms, the paper advocates for a more inclusive approach to communication that emphasizes mutual understanding and cooperation.

As the business and academic worlds continue to intersect and evolve, the insights provided by this paper are not only timely but essential. The presentation at the SAM International Business Conference is poised to spark meaningful discussions, inspire change, and contribute significantly to the ongoing dialogue on the critical role of language and communication in achieving a more cohesive, peaceful, and cooperative global community.

Join us online or in person at SAMIBC 2024 and see this great presentation and many more March 19 – March 23, 2024. For registration information visit