The programming committee for the 79th Annual SAM International Business Conference is pleased to announce the acceptance of the presentation, Exploring Factors Associated with Selection of Career Choice Between Men and Women: An Exploratory Study Among High School Students by Abdul-Aziz Khanfar, Tammy Johnston, and Anna Grigsby.

In the ever-evolving landscape of the workforce, the quest for diversity within universities and businesses has become a pivotal area of focus. With this backdrop, a groundbreaking academic paper is set to be presented at the upcoming SAM International Business Conference, shedding light on the intricate dynamics of personal decision-making in career choices and its consequential impact on diversity. This research delves into the nuanced realm of gender-dominated fields, the longstanding issue of the gender pay gap, and the factors influencing the career paths of individuals.

The study meticulously examines the prevailing gender pay gap, a topic that has sparked debates for decades. It brings to the fore an intriguing perspective, suggesting that the disparity in pay between men and women significantly diminishes when critical factors such as job title, hours worked, years of experience, and education are taken into account. This revelation propels the discussion towards the understanding that career choices, largely driven by personal values and preferences, are pivotal in shaping the economic landscape for men and women alike.

Central to this discourse is the exploration of how men and women differ in their approach to choosing a career. The research probes into the considerations that hold paramount importance for each gender and the values they cherish in their professional journeys. This inquiry is not merely academic; it holds profound implications for how universities and businesses can strategize to attract a diverse pool of applicants. By deciphering the thought processes behind career choices, the study aims to pave the way for initiatives that foster diversity in the workforce.

To achieve this, the research takes a novel approach by surveying high school students, aiming to capture the essence of their career decision-making process at a nascent stage. This approach offers a fresh perspective on the motivations and influences that guide the career paths of young individuals, providing valuable insights into how early interventions can be designed to promote diversity.

As the SAM International Business Conference approaches, this paper is poised to spark a meaningful conversation among academics, industry professionals, and policymakers. By unraveling the complex interplay between personal decision-making and diversity in the workforce, the research offers a beacon of hope for developing strategies that not only bridge the gender gap but also enrich the tapestry of the global workforce with a diverse array of talents and perspectives. The anticipation surrounding this presentation underscores the critical importance of understanding and addressing the underpinnings of career choices in the pursuit of a more inclusive and equitable professional world.

Join us online or in person at SAMIBC 2024 and see this great presentation and many more March 19 – March 23, 2024. For registration information visit