The programming committee for the 79th Annual SAM International Business Conference is pleased to announce the acceptance of the presentation, Innovating Care: How Entrepreneurship Shapes New OTD Graduates by Henry “Hank” Johnson, Shelby Perry, Wilma Rizal Bilton, Patricia McGee, Kayla Wolf, and Ariel Cerutto.

In the dynamically evolving landscape of healthcare, the integration of entrepreneurship into occupational therapy (OT) emerges as a groundbreaking approach that promises to redefine patient care and expand the horizons of traditional practice. As the SAM International Business Conference approaches, we are thrilled to announce the presentation of a compelling paper that delves into this innovative intersection: “Innovating Care: How Entrepreneurship Shapes New OTD Graduates.”

This insightful paper centers around a panel discussion that explores the firsthand experiences of recent OT doctoral graduates who have seamlessly woven entrepreneurship into their professional journeys. These distinguished graduates, having completed an entrepreneurship course during their doctoral program, are set to share the transformative impact of entrepreneurial thinking on their clinical practices. Their stories illuminate how entrepreneurship not only influences decision-making processes but also fosters innovation within the healthcare sector, challenging and expanding the conventional roles of occupational therapists.

The discussion is poised to cover a broad spectrum of topics, from the hurdles faced when implementing entrepreneurial concepts in clinical settings to the burgeoning opportunities for service expansion and innovation in OT. More than just an academic dialogue, this session promises to shed light on the personal and professional growth that accompanies this unique educational path. By highlighting these experiences, the paper aims to provide attendees with a deeper understanding of how entrepreneurship can act as a complementary force, enhancing professional practice and offering fresh perspectives on client care and service delivery.

For OT professionals and business students alike, this panel discussion offers invaluable practical advice, encouraging the incorporation of entrepreneurial skills into their careers. It’s not merely a platform for sharing experiences but also serves as a catalyst for inspiring a new generation of occupational therapists and business professionals. The paper underscores the importance of embracing entrepreneurship as an essential component of the professional toolkit, bridging the gap between academic theory and real-world practice.

As we look forward to the SAM International Business Conference, this presentation promises to be a highlight, paving the way for a new era in occupational therapy. It invites us to reconsider the boundaries of healthcare and the potential of entrepreneurship to bring about meaningful change. Join us for an enlightening conversation that promises to inspire and challenge, offering a glimpse into the future of occupational therapy and beyond.

Join us online or in person at SAMIBC 2024 and see this great presentation and many more March 19 – March 23, 2024. For registration information visit