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This week we are excited to share this article Article by Senior Forbes Contributor Steve Denning, “Why Management Desperately Needs a Fresh Definition”.

The concept of “management” is in dire need of a clear definition, as the existing understanding is clouded with ambiguity. Despite the voluminous literature on management, there’s no consensus on its exact meaning, leading to significant confusion. This lack of clarity is not just a matter of academic debate; it has real-world consequences. Business schools, which train a quarter of a million future leaders annually, are teaching them based on unclear definitions. The repercussions are seen in how large corporations operate, resulting in workforce disengagement, decline in innovation, diminished public trust, and failure to address global issues such as climate change.

Several definitions of management are in circulation, ranging from seeing it as a set of activities, administration of resources, a science of efficiency, or even a subset of leadership. The primary issues with these definitions are that they are often partial, focusing only on certain aspects of management; static, missing out on the dynamic interactions of its components; complicated, failing to recognize management’s inherent complexity; or confusing management with specific patterns of its practice. Additionally, there’s a blurred line between what management currently entails and what it ideally should. Definitions also vary in how they view innovation and leadership in relation to management. These issues culminate in an unclear teaching framework in business schools, further exacerbating the ambiguity in the corporate world.

The article is a must read for seasoned management professionals and those just starting their careers. If we peaked your interest, make sure to check it out over at Forbes.com.

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