Presentation Announcement for Supply Chain Risk Management & Implementation

The programming committee for the 78th Annual SAM International Business Conference is pleased to announce the acceptance of the presentation Supply Chain Risk Management & Implementation by Johnny Ho and Tristan Shytle form Columbus State University and Home Depot.

Presentation Abstract: Supply Chain Management (SCM) is an ever-evolving business concept that continues to adapt to the changing market structure. Dating back to the 9th century, humans have engaged in the trade of goods. Trade requires a number of interconnected systems that revolve around the ideas of trust, risk, and opportunity. Furthermore, SCM addresses key issues and frequently unveils existing inefficiencies in current models and solution approaches. To better understand and cope with these inefficiencies, an increasing emphasis has been directed towards the research and implementation of Supply Chain Risk Management (SCRM). SCRM allows for transparency between all parties involved in the supply chain structure. Transparency increases the likelihood of an uninterrupted process in which all systems involved maintain peak efficiency. Globalization has helped streamline trade and commerce but increased the number of potential risks faced by supply chains. Supply chains are not limited to a singular country, they flow between countries freely creating a co-dependence on one another. While this has increased productivity and efficiency worldwide, the associated risks are amplified. This paper analyzes the implementation of supply chain risk management through existing framework models and proposes a new framework model for the trade war case.

Join us online or in person at SAMIBC 2023 and see this great presentation and many more March 13 – March 18, 2023. For registration information visit