Exploring the Attitudes of Employees Towards Employer Inclusivity

The programming committee for the 77th Annual SAM International Business Conference is pleased to announce the acceptance of the paper presentation Exploring the Attitudes of Employees Towards Employer Inclusivity, authored by Michelle Region-Sebest and Heidi Batiste from Nevada State College.

Presentation Abstract: In the 1990’s scholars and practitioners worked to make a business case for diverse workplaces (e.g. Robinson & Dechant, 1997). In 2022, business leaders have a better grasp of the economic and social value of diversity in their organizations and now prioritize inclusivity by attracting, engaging and retaining employees of all ages, races, genders, nationalities, religions, viewpoints and other important distinctions; and then by prompting an environment that recognizes and nurtures these differences so all employees feel included. Given the aim for employers to create an inclusive culture then the outcome should be that all employees feel included. Notwithstanding statements in support of social justice, many organizations struggle to create a culture that increases diversity, in addition to heightening equity, and inclusion. For example, according to a recent article in the Harvard Business Review regarding the perceptions of black employees, “… a huge gap remains between what organizations are saying and doing to promote inclusion and the outcomes we’re seeing for many black workers and managers.” Conversely, there are many cases in which leaders from identities maintaining more power and privilege (non-minorities) feel unsure about the part they should play in creating an inclusive environment (Zheng, 2013). In this paper we define inclusion and conceptualize inclusivity through industry-standard characteristics (e.g. Forbes, 2021). We investigate whether employees across ethnic boundaries perceive being included in the same way. Thus determining whether the characteristics of inclusion resonate similarly among all employees. Such findings have the potential to inform the creation and implementation of effective inclusivity programming in the future.

Join us online to see this great paper and many more March 31 – April 2, 2022. For registration information visit www.samnational.org/conference.