This year at SAMIBC2021 we are pleased to announce another of our presenters, Jet Mboga from the Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania. Dr. Mboga will be presenting, Economic Growth Trajectory in International Business: Explorative Case Analysis on the Attractiveness of Sub-Saharan Africa’s Consumer and Business Markets.

Presentation Abstract: Abundant suppliers of cheap labor attract industries to outsource to global leaders such as India and China, nations with a tremendous net worth of over $200 billion offering customer service, accounting, manufacturing, and Information Technology support. China’s labor cost is higher than India, Brazil Argentina, Mexico, Portugal, and Southeast Asian countries; as the labor cost increases the attraction will lessen and enhance other low-cost continents like African as prospects for industries. African nations are latecomers in globally competitive markets attracting outsourcing. The study explored if Africa is at the forefront of outsourcing destinations, what African countries can do to prepare and attract industries to actively seek their country for a specialty that they have to offer? Study results also confirmed that Africa’s young population that accounts for the majority of the demographics coupled with cheap labor attracts industries. From the results, external suppliers providing efficiency in specialized fields within African nations attract industries, provide the benefit of low cost while improving the economy and addressing unemployment.

Join us online to see this great paper and many more March 18 – 20, 2021. For registration information visit