This year at SAMIBC2021 we are pleased to announce another of our presenters, Mary Lebens from Metropolitan State University. Dr. Lebens will be presenting, How Implementing a New Course Framework Positively Impacted Student Perceptions of Learning During the Pandemic.

Presentation Abstract: The COVID-19 pandemic upended face-to-face instruction for college campuses in the spring of 2020. This article examines the development and implementation of a new online framework for a business analytics course taught solely in a face-to-face format prior to the pandemic. The schedule and structure for the course are discussed, as well as the resulting student perceptions of their learning after engaging with the new framework. The primary considerations in developing the course framework were supporting student flexibility and technological equity to buffer the stressors of the pandemic. Student perceptions of learning under the new course framework were extremely positive. The implication of this finding is this course framework could be broadly implemented for online courses to improve student perceptions of online learning.

Join us online to see this great paper and many more March 18 – 20, 2021. For registration information visit