This year at SAMIBC2020 we are pleased to announce another of our presenters, Arly Guardado from the New England Institute of Technology. Arly will be presenting Say No to Vaping: A Case Study of Perception Management and Leadership in the State of Rhode Island.

Presentation Abstract: Vaping is the term for the practice of, adding flavored oils to cartridges and inhaling the oils into the lungs. Vaping products were original created to help suppress and minimize nicotine use and help those who want to gradually quit. Currently, vaping is a health and social problem in the U.S. for teenagers, some of who vape daily. According to the World Health Association (2015) 13.3% of males and 8.9% of females vape or smoke cigarettes.
To help combat the prevalence of vaping, state departments of public health engaged in social marketing to combat the problem. According to Sagaz and Lucietto (2016) social marketing is used by public health organizations to influence people to change their unhealthy behavior. This differs from marketing on social media. Unfortunately, many states have had seen limited success with this approach.
Recently, Rhode Island Governor Gina Raimondo, by executive order, has banned the sales of flavored vaping cartridges in the state. This paper uses a case study and historical analysis methodology to examine the state’s change management process (Kotter, 2002) and perspectives from community leaders about the management of the change. Additionally, it will examine individual thought leader’s perceptions of the change and effect of the change in local communities.

Join us in Nashville, Tennessee to see this great paper and many more March 19 – 21, 2020. For registration information visit