This year at SAMIBC2020 we are pleased to announce another of our presenters, Don Capener from Utah Valley University. Don will be presenting his paper International Segmentation Challenges-The Case of Luxury Hotels.
Presentation Abstract: While automation and technological solutions such as Qualtrics speed up customization and personalization opportunities, international and cultural differences complicate and potentially increase the likelihood of bad experiences. In order to provide service brands with approaches that lead to culturally appropriate offers, recommendations, and new product that appeal to important customer segments such as international travelers from China and the United States, this exploratory study analyses value perceptions of luxury hotels in cross-cultural contexts. Based on an established conceptual framework, the study focuses on the two biggest luxury consumption groups, Americans and Chinese. The findings suggest adjustments to existing luxury frameworks to recognize tangible and intangible characteristics upscale hotels consider when driving brand value and reputation.
Join us in Nashville, Tennessee to see this great paper and many more March 19 – 21, 2020. For registration information visit