This year at SAMIBC2020 we are pleased to announce our first speaker, David Kee from Harding University. David will be presenting his paper Prosopography: Storytelling Methodology for Research and for the Classroom. A Comparative Entrepreneurial Narrative.

Presentation Abstract: Prosopography, a storytelling methodology which studies and analyses collective biographies, is a valid tool to help the field of management and specifically entrepreneurship in research and in the classroom. This paper explores this unique method and illustrates its application with a comparative prosopography of hoteliers Conrad Hilton and Bill Marriott as ascetic entrepreneurs. Findings indicate prosopography as a valid storytelling methodology and tool for management researchers and classroom instructors. It can provide a refreshing and unique approach to explaining motivation and performance of entrepreneurs, company founders and managers worldwide. On one end, it helps the researcher deal with the sparse evidence dilemma as well as meet the need for historical context in research. It can also meet the call for rich longitudinal methodologies in research. On the other end, it provides an effective tool for the instructional quality and relevance. As a research tool and in classroom practice, prosopography has yet to be used in management. Heuristic in nature, this approach’s unique qualities can add value to the field.

Join us in Nashville, Tennessee to see this great paper and many more March 19 – 21, 2020. For registration information visit