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By Michelle E. Konjoyan, Executive Vice-President University of Southern California Chapter

S.A.M. at the University of Southern California began this semester on a wave of momentum gained during 1979-80, a year of tremendous growth for our chap­ter. We became the largest organization in the U.S.C. business school last year when our membership rose to over 200.

We owe our success to our programs, as S.A.M. chapters usually do. All year long, we stage a variety of get-togethers, ranging from monthly meetings with guest speakers to a year-end wine and cheese party for students and our cor­porate sponsors. During the school year, we hold what we call “Day on the Job” tours. The tours allow individual chapter members to spend a day at a company of their choice, experiencing first-hand what it’s like to fill a position in which they have an interest. To answer questions, a supervisor accom­panies the student.

During the fall semester, we conduct a session called “Mock Interview” in which our sponsors come on campus and conduct practice interviews with our members. It’s an excellent chance for a trial run, and at the end the inter­viewer evaluates the interviewee. The suggestions are beneficial, and the inter­view experience gives students addi­tional confidence for the real thing.

In the spring, our chapter puts to­gether a resume book. The book is a collection of resumes from our mem­bers, arranged by academic major. Copies of the book are sent to a number of dif­ferent corporations throughout the Los Angeles area. We feel the book gives our members an “in” at these firms. In a follow-up letter to one of these com­panies, for instance, a student can make reference to his or her resume, since the book’s impressive binding makes it like­ly that the firm will save it in one of its career placement files.

This year, our main event will be our “Meet the Firms Night” on November 14 at the Proud Bird Ballroom in Los Angeles. It’s usually one of our most successful meetings. Representatives from a broad range of corporations at­tend to discuss job opportunities and the nature of their different fields. For students, it is a chance to get some specific information; for the firms, it provides a recruitment opportunity. This year we expect close to 300 to attend. It should be a good year.. SAM-NI

This SAM News International article is from our historical archive, information provided is for reference and archival research about the activities and developments of the Society.