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On September 1, S.A.M.’s 170 student chapters across the country began a membership contest, vying for one of five full Operation Enter­prise scholarships that are the prizes. Each winning chapter will choose one lucky student from among its members to spend two weeks during the summer of 1981 attending an Op­eration Enterprise session at the O.E. campus in California or Hamilton, New York.

The chapters have been divided by size. Each chapter will compete with less than 30 chapters from colleges about the same size as its own. The deciding factors will be the enthusiasm and the energy shown by each chapter in attracting new members. The winning chapters will be an­nounced at the National S.A.M. Confer­ence in Williamsburg, Virginia. SAM-NI

This SAM News International article is from our historical archive, information provided is for reference and archival research about the activities and developments of the Society.