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S.A.M. recently conducted a limited survey of student chapter members to identify ways that an S.A.M. member­ship could be made more meaningful. Over 500 questionnaires were sent out to current and former chapter members for their views. The findings show that while the S.A.M. college chapter experience is regarded highly by both current and former members, there are areas for improvement.

Both current and former chapter members mentioned most often the need for “greater interaction with out­side organizations” – S.A.M. organiza­tions (senior chapters, other college chapters, and the national organization) and with business concerns. Both groups also expressed a great deal of interest in career placement assistance and a corporate internship program as addi­tions to the current college chapter pro­gram

Responding to the questionnaire mailed, most of the students said that they had joined S.A.M. to gain a broad exposure to business and management, viewing S.A.M. as a surrogate for real-world experience that would be useful to them when they embarked on busi­ness careers following graduation. Of the current members surveyed, 80 per­cent said that S.A.M. had met their expectations. The figure was less for former members-75 percent-but still sufficiently high to suggest that both groups felt the S.A.M. experience to be worthwhile. SAM-NI

This SAM News International article is from our historical archive, information provided is for reference and archival research about the activities and developments of the Society.