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AMACOM has arranged with S.A.M.’s campus division to make its publica­tions available to student chapters at half cost.

AMACOM, the publishing arm of the American Management Associations, announced the program last summer in a package mailed to the faculty advisers of S.A.M.’s campus chapters. AMACOM will offer its stable of sales periodicals to students at a 50 percent discount on the price it charges nonmembers.

Along with the information about the program mailed to faculty advisers last summer were copies of AMACOM’s publications, which are available for in­spection by students to introduce them to the wide range of AMACOM periodi­cals. Among the publications available is Supervisory Management, a practical monthly magazine devoted to the basic issues of supervision such as employee relations, the secrets of motivation, and performance appraisal. Also included is AMA Management Digest, a monthly compendium of the most important current writing on management.

Under the discount program students with an interest in the field of human resources management will be able to subscribe to Personnel and Organiza­tional Dynamics, two of the most influ­ential journals in the field. Personnel is an invaluable guide to trends in areas like affirmative action, training, corpo­rate career planning, and labor relations. Organizational Dynamics covers signifi­cant and controversial research into organizational function, with contri­buting writers like 8. F. Skinner, Peter Drucker, Daniel Bell, and Frederick Herzberg.

AMACOM is also including several other periodicals in the half-price pro­gram: Health Services Manager, Super­visory Sense, Compensation Review, and CompFlash. In addition, each campus chapter will receive copies of Management Bookshelf each month along with other AMACOM materials.

All orders must be prepaid, and sub­scriptions may be prorated for the student year. Orders will be made through each chapter vice-president for publications. SAM-NI

This SAM News International article is from our historical archive, information provided is for reference and archival research about the activities and developments of the Society.