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Lou Morgenier, director of campus chapter operations, has developed many new programs and services for S.A.M. student members. These programs and services, utilizing AMA’s resources, will help campus chapters run more success­ful programs and encourage membership growth. They include:

Management films that teach im­portant skills. One film, “Essentials of Management,” features James L. Hayes, president of American Manage­ment Associations.

Membership contests that offer fun, effective ways to bring in new members.

AMACOM Speakers Bureau, an in­formation service that directs you to top management pros and authors of AMA books who will come and speak for free at campus chapters.

Special Program Guide, providing program topics for chapter meetings.

AMACOM books that are available at discount prices.

National Directory that tells you about S.A.M.’s awards program and of­ficers for 1980-81.

Senior Chapter Affiliation Directory that puts you in touch with other local campus and senior chapters.

AMACOM periodicals available at half price.

Chapter Operations Manual, offering step-by-step guidance for the proper handling of any S.A.M. activity.

Free posters to advertise upcoming events and membership to your chapter.

National and regional conferences that bring you in contact with colleagues and practicing management pros.

Operation Enterprise scholarships to AMA’s two-week Young Adult Manage­ment Program.

Information concerning these ser­vices is to be mailed this month. SAM-NI

This SAM News International article is from our historical archive, information provided is for reference and archival research about the activities and developments of the Society.