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Operation Enterprise is a two- to four-week program that introduces young people to the world of profes­sional management and responsible leadership.

The permanent home of O.E. is in Hamilton in upstate New York. The facilities there include cottages, meet­ing rooms, and dining halls. There is also water skiing, sailing, tennis, golf, soft­ball, and much more! The informal atmosphere is conducive to blending career planning and management train­ing with recreation.

The staff at S.A.M. headquarters is very excited because this year ten S.A.M. members will attend Operation Enter­prise on scholarships donated by Chuck Fox, director of AMA’s Young Adult Program.

Five scholarships will be awarded to the top five chapters in the S.A.M. cam­pus membership contest, and one scholarship will be awarded to the CCPP top performing chapter. These scholar­ships are for summer 1981.

Four scholarships will be given to California-based chapters for the O.E. program being held there in September 1980. SAM-NI

This SAM News International article is from our historical archive, information provided is for reference and archival research about the activities and developments of the Society.