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For the 11th year in a row, the S.A. M. chapter at La Salle College in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, was actively involved in a program in which each participating student had the opportunity to spend a day with a top manager. This execu­tive works in the student’s field of interest and demonstrated first hand to the student how management prin­ciples are applied in practical situations. The program. called The Student of La Salle Industry Day or S.O.L.I.D. ’80, took place March 10 – April 11.

Dr. B. B. Goldner, director of the program at La Salle College, lists the following among the objectives of the program: to establish and maintain professional relationships between business students and the business community, to provide an opportunity to expose academic knowledge to practical aspects, and to form long-lasting professional friendships.

Among the top companies that have offered their services in the past are General Electric, RCA, First Pennsylvania Company, and Smith Kline. Organizations such as the American Production and Inventory Control Society and La Salle alumni association have also helped out.

The Society for Advancement of Management first organized the SOLID program in 1969, and according to Frances Scully, president of the S.A.M. chapter at La Salle and chairperson of the SOLID program, it has been “a main participant in the program” ever since. This year S.A.M. was represented by Lou Morgenier, the director of campus chapter operations.

The program last month was so successful that a committee of students is currently designing a similar program to be included as part of the curriculum at La Salle’s School of Business Administration. SAM-NI

This SAM News International article is from our historical archive, information provided is for reference and archival research about the activities and developments of the Society.