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John S. McGuinness, SAM President

On May 7-9 we will hold the 1980 S.A.M. National Management Confer­ence at the Hyatt Regency in Chicago. I hope to see all of you there.

The national conference is a tradi­tion in S.A.M., one that makes a lot of sense. Because of the structure of the Society, our chapters are spread across the nation. It is only at the conference that we all have a chance to meet and to participate in what S.A.M. is all about the advancement of management. Our unusually innovative group of speakers this year are unconfined by the straitjacket of traditional thinking. Their creative approaches can help us all take better aim at the problems created by the changing business environment that all managers face. The conference committee has worked hard to enlist speakers who are qualified to lecture on a wide variety of subjects. I know you will not be disappointed with any of the presentations.

The S.A.M. leadership has always worked to make a membership in the Society more than simply a professional affiliation. The S.A.M. members whom I’ve met have convinced me that this is also what you want-to participate, not merely spectate. So, let’s make the 1980 National Management Conference an event in which every member participates. Send in the registration form in this issue now and receive the discount offered to early registrants. SAM-NI

This SAM News International article is from our historical archive, information provided is for reference and archival research about the activities and developments of the Society.