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At a recent meeting of S.A.M. interna­tional officers, Alexander Kindling ex­changes views with other officers on S.A.M. growth strategy.

By Alexander T. Kindling, President S.A.M. International

During the past six months, I have visited more than a dozen chapters. Chapters as far west as St. Louis, as far south as Virginia, and as far north and east as Boston and Ohio. I have attended meetings of the Baltimore, Boston, western Ohio, central Virginia, Lancaster, central Pennsylvania, and Richmond chapters, among others. I made these visits with two purposes in mind: to learn more about each chapter and to have the opportunity to communicate directly with members about national headquarters’ and chapter activities as they relate to the goals we established one year ago.

These visits also gave me the opportunity to meet with the leadership, to observe and participate in the chapters’ programs, and to become acquainted with their activities. I am pleased to be able to report that membership has in­creased. More important, our members and their guests were noticeably enthusiastic. And both men and women managers were there, working toward achieving the goals of S.A.M.

I was particularly impressed by the growing involvement of women in chapter leadership. Of the chapters I have visited in the last six months, two were headed by women. And if the increasing numbers of young women in student chapters are any indication of what future senior chapter membership will be like, more and more women members-and officers-may be anticipated.

I have gained much from my visits to local chapters. I have returned from each with some of the members’ enthusiasm, and with a feeling of gratitude for the opportunity to hear about their successful efforts and ideas, which I could then pass on to other chapters. SAM-NI

This SAM News International article is from our historical archive, information provided is for reference and archival research about the activities and developments of the Society.