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Do you know why people decide to become members of your chapter? And, just as important, do you know whether their reasons for joining are satisfied by the program and activities offered?

In an effort to find answers to these questions, a questionnaire was prepared by Vice-President-Membership Moustafa Abdelsamad and mailed on a pilot basis to members in Regions #1 and #7. Almost 50 percent, or 272 members, completed and returned the questionnaire, an unusually high response and an indication of special interest in the survey subject.

An analysis of the motivational factors that brought these persons into S.A.M. showed that they sought the opportunity to (1) develop their abilities (88 percent), (2) make selective business contacts (69 percent), (3) receive management publications (49 percent), and (4)satisfy employers’ expectations of community involvement (32 percent).

Other reasons listed were the desire for prestige, a company AMA membership, the support of local business organizations, and the social and fraternal opportunities provided.

The substantial membership sampling, when measured against accepted national polling standards, can be considered representative of the present S.A.M. member. For that member to be retained, it would seem that the four basic needs identified from the study must be met. All programs and activities at both the chapter and national levels should fulfill one or more of these identified reasons for belonging to S.A.M.

Chapter programs and activities designed with the four basic reasons for joining in mind offer excellent recruitment tools when contacting potential members. They can help both the individual member and the chapter membership committee meet the challenge of this “membership growth year” and share in the individual and chapter awards recently announced. The big plus, however, would be the retention of our present members and the addition of new ones. SAM-NI

This SAM News International article is from our historical archive, information provided is for reference and archival research about the activities and developments of the Society.