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In a recent issue of samscript, the newsletter of the Northern New Jersey Chapter, Chapter President Charles M. Weachock gave the following advice to chapter members:

It seems that as the years go by, the task of operating a professional S.A.M. chapter becomes more complex. Because of competition from other organizations and from jobs that require more time of employees, the number of people who can really work at chapter activities becomes less and less. But these activities must still be done if the chapter is to grow and prosper. Well, how do we handle this? One answer is to follow our theme for 1976-77:


If everyone in the chapter would pick one task and do it, our problems would be solved; our chapter would prosper, and it wouldn’t surprise me if the members that did one thing would come away with great satisfaction of accomplishment and a sense of renewed participation. Of course, there are big things and small things, hard tasks and easy tasks, and it really doesn’t matter how a member contributes. What does matter is that our efforts are directed to a common goal and purpose. And that purpose is to make Northern New Jersey the best chapter in S.A. M.

Charles Weachock is an account manager for computer marketing with the Burroughs Corporation. SAM-NI

This SAM News International article is from our historical archive, information provided is for reference and archival research about the activities and developments of the Society.