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The S.A.M. Executive Committee and Board of Directors met October 1 and 2 at the Downtown Holiday Inn in Richmond, Virginia, for their regular fall meeting. First on the agenda was the discussion and finalization of an overall strategy for the growth of S.A.M., which has been under development by the board for more than two months. Details of this strategy will be forwarded to chapter presidents with the minutes of the board meeting.

The S.A.M. Executive Committee conducts its regular fall meeting at the Downtown Holiday Inn in Richmond. (top right) Hal J. Batten (l.), S.A.M. board chairman, presents the Special President's Award for New Chapter Development to Allin Jackson, national vice-president for new chapter development. (lower left) Dr. William Kirby, Jr., S.A.M. president, and (lower center) Moustafa Abdelsamad, Region 7 vice-president, listen to growth strategy proposal at the board of directors meeting. (lower right) Participating in the discussion on the new Presidents Council are (I. to r.) Vern Johnson, president of the Lehigh Valley Chapter; James Rutherford, president of the Montgomery Chapter; LaVerne Cox, national vice-president for the Campus Division; and Guy DeGenaro, past Region 7 vice-president.
TOP S.A.M. OFFICERS MEET: (top left) The S.A.M. Executive Committee conducts its regular fall meeting at the Downtown Holiday Inn in Richmond. (top right) Hal J. Batten (l.), S.A.M. board chairman, presents the Special President’s Award for New Chapter Development to Allin Jackson, national vice-president for new chapter development. (lower left) Dr. William Kirby, Jr., S.A.M. president, and (lower center) Moustafa Abdelsamad, Region 7 vice-president, listen to growth strategy proposal at the board of directors meeting. (lower right) Participating in the discussion on the new Presidents Council are (I. to r.) Vern Johnson, president of the Lehigh Valley Chapter; James Rutherford, president of the Montgomery Chapter; LaVerne Cox, national vice-president for the Campus Division; and Guy DeGenaro, past Region 7 vice-president.

Another matter of utmost importance that was approved by the board was the implementation of the new “Council of Chapter Presidents.”. According to the formal proposal for the council, which was developed by Dr. William Kirby, Jr., international president, the primary pur­pose of the council will be “to advise and assist the president, executive committee, and board of directors in a responsive and participative manner on key policy, operational, and administra­tive matters.” Other important benefits of the council will be “to have a continuous input from the grass roots operations, as viewed from the large, small, new, and older chapters, geographically distributed; to make more visible the professional leadership in S.A.M.; and to have the advice, guidance, and assistance from dependable leadership in reshaping the S.A.M. international organization for growth substantively, numerically, and professionally.”

Region 7 workshop meets to discuss regional programs and problems. The workshop was developed and hosted by Moustafa Abdelsamad, Region 7 vice­president.
Region 7 workshop meets to discuss regional programs and problems. The workshop was developed and hosted by Moustafa Abdelsamad, Region 7 vice­-president.

In other action, the board established specific dates and locations to meet with local chapter officers. As part of this pilot program, Moustafa Abdelsamad, Region 7 vice-president, led a workshop of chapter officers from Region 7 while the executive committee was meeting nearby. At the conclusion of both meetings, the international officers hosted a social function for the regional and international officers to become better acquainted and to discuss common problems.

Finally, the board also studied plans for a series of national programs that are being developed to assist both senior and campus chapters with their education activities. The first of these programs will be concerned with the increasing role of women in management. Details of the program which is titled “Getting Ahead in a Man’s World” will be listed in a letter to be sent in early November to all chapter presidents, campus division faculty advisers, and regional and national officers. SAM-NI

This SAM News International article is from our historical archive, information provided is for reference and archival research about the activities and developments of the Society.