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The Worcester chapter of S.A.M. finished out its program year with an awards presentation. Herbert M. Goodman, past chapter president, presented the “Heart of the Commonwealth-Advancement of Management Award” to David Gould, pres. of Wonder Markets.

Black and White Photo of those Participating in the Worcester awards presentation were (I. to r.) Robert R. Comtois, chapter president; David Gould, award recipient; David Cox, award recipient; Donald Begosh, S.A.M. executive director; and Laurence A. Bay, chapter vice-president for programming.
Participating in the Worcester awards presentation were (I. to r.) Robert R. Comtois, chapter president; David Gould, award recipient; David Cox, award recipient; Donald Begosh, S.A.M. executive director; and Laurence A. Bay, chapter vice-president for programming.

Also receiving an award was David F. Cox, president of the Weldex Corporation, who was presented with a citation marking his attainment of the “Professional Manager” membership grade. Cox is both a past chapter president and a former Region #3 vice-president. SAM-NI

This SAM News International article is from our historical archive, information provided is for reference and archival research about the activities and developments of the Society.