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The S.A.M. International staff, under a tripartite committee of David Cox, Richard Kalbian, and Donald Begosh, recently planned and implemented the first nationwide direct mail membership solicitation program for all senior chapters. Close to 2,000 managers from industrial, academic, and governmental fields responded to the mailing.

One example of the exciting possibilities of the direct-mail approach is the series of actions that the Cleveland chapter implemented following receipt of the names of 60 managers in the Cleveland area who indicated they would like to have more information about S .A .M. The president of the Cleveland chapter, Wayne E. Juby, of TRW Inc., personally wrote the 60 prospective members and invited them to attend a special dinner meeting program to be held in mid-December. Those attending the meeting heard a presentation from Donald Begosh, S.A.M. executive director, on what S.A.M. can offer managers from all fields. Of the 40 managers in attendance, a sizable number are expected to be­come S.A.M. members soon. SAM-NI

This SAM News International article is from our historical archive, information provided is for reference and archival research about the activities and developments of the Society.